Sunday, October 5, 2008

Smiley, Cranky, and Lumpy

A couple of days ago my wife came across one of the outfits the boys wore when they came home from the hospital. It was, quite honestly, no bigger than the pajamas our daughters put on their dolls. It was so tiny, it hardly seemed possible that it could ever have fit them.

And that had us marveling at how quickly the time has passed. My boys are four months old now, and they barely resemble those skinny, miniature little babies we brought home last summer.

What an incredible four months.

I'm a guy who likes to stick a person with a good nickname. My college roommate: Buffalo Head. My wife: Tbird. My oldest daughter: Alley cat. My middle daughter: Boney Maroney. My youngest: G-bear.

And so, for a few weeks at least, the boys had nicknames too. Rusty. All of them were Rusty. Because their hair, such as it was, had begun to resemble my father's. Red.

But much has changed in these first four months. They've gained almost 10 pounds each since birth, with Luke tipping the scales at about fourteen pounds. They consistently sleep five-and-a-half hours each night - enough to make me think I've got the free time to run for office this fall! And they eat, eat, eat.

Of course, there's been sickness. A cold or two, and a couple of ear infections.

Most interestingly, though, their personalities have emerged and are unmistakable. Ben, who two months ago was a pale, shriveled little guy with a poor sense of humor, is now the wiggliest, smiliest child. He flails his arms and legs so aggressively that it's tough to get a diaper on him. And whether we're changing his diaper or waking him up to feed him, he always smiles a wide, gummy smile. Our Olivia has even started calling him the Smile Maker.

Jack, who was once our mild child, is no longer. He is still a sweet little boy. But let's just say that he's found his voice. And the rest of us have found it, too. We find it loud and obnoxious. Sometimes, no matter what we do, he just hollers. He hollers until he gets tired of hollering. Then he takes a short break, and he hollers some more. Doesn't matter, though. Those large, round blue eyes somehow help soothe the ringing in our ears.

And Luke. Well, he's Luke. He's hefty. Big and round and intense. He leans back in his seat, his belly arcing in front of his face, and he surveys the room, his blue eyes darting around as though he's afraid he'll miss something. And unlike Jack, who lets a good cry build up for a few minutes, Luke goes straight to the finish. Sometimes at night, all will be sleeping soundly, and suddenly Luke will unleash a piercing blast that shocks everyone out of bed. He's a lug, a big, solid hunk of screeching baby.

And so, the boys have new nicknames. Smiley, Cranky, and Lumpy.

All this in only four months. Can't wait to see what the next four will bring.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Steve, for another great post. I always enjoy hearing what the Bahmer Bunch is up to. Hard to believe they're already 4 mos!

Anonymous said...

Steve and Tina -
The boys are amazing - as are the two of you. I am so graced to have gotten to know you and the girls. Are the girls still taking dance? I love my new job and my new community - although Kentucky is very different.
take care and know that I think of you often,
Patti Whetstone